Chicken chasing at it's grandest!


6 Years
Jul 10, 2013
Alberta, Canada
For my 3yo's birthday yesterday, we moved our coop and 2 chickens to the neighbour's. It was a great time that I wanted to share:

The chase is on!!!!

My 4yo finally caught her with help from our good ol' girl Indy!

The 3yo is a natural - he just picked them up perfectly every time, and maybe he was smaller and less of a threat, but he could catch them faster than the others! Boy does he love his chickies.
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For my 3yo's birthday yesterday, we moved our coop and 2 chickens to the neighbour's. It was a great time that I wanted to share:

The chase is on!!!!

My 4yo finally caught her with help from our good ol' girl Indy!

The 3yo is a natural - he just picked them up perfectly every time, and maybe he was smaller and less of a threat, but he could catch them faster than the others! Boy does he love his chickies.
LOL that is too cute!!!

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