Chicken cote (update in post#12 of thread).


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 16, 2010
I Googled "chicken cote" but the search results were pretty useless. Can anyone who's built one post pics, or post links to sites with good info about cotes?
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I think it's just different terminology for a "chicken coop" or a "hen house." Usually you read or hear about dove or pigeon cotes; that's just what they typically call housing for these birds.
That ladder is way too steep for a chicken to use! And the coop itself seems more appropriate for a dove or pigeon than a chicken.
I've never ever heard "cote" used for anything but pigeons and doves. I think this is just sales-pitch labelling.

The Forsham item from the link is just *preposterous* IMHO, for anything other than conversation-piece housing for maybe 2-4 hens in an always-mild climate. Very silly. North Americans should note that Britain lacks raccoons or possums, and while in principle it is probably possible to build a coop on posts with enough overhang to defeat those climbers, the relatively small amount of overhang in the Forsham one would be pretty risky IMHO in North America.

If a person wants a dovecote-shaped chicken coop, just for purty, then my suggestion is to look at pictures/plans for actual garden-type *dovecotes* of sufficient picturesqueness and just rejigger the inside and opening sizes for chickens.


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