Chicken cote (update in post#12 of thread).

That quote was not from me, it was from Yashar but in a different thread.

It is not a matter of whether the chickens would enjoy flying around like songbirds, it's a matter of giving them the opportunity, or forcing them, to fly up onto things such as higher than standard perches and feed tables. This is good for their health to do so. edited grammar and spelling.
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Sorry about the quote attribution... I generally try to check these things but every now and then it gets away from me!
I changed it to an unattributed quote.

Thanks very much! I'm very happy (finally) with what I ended up with, but my husband kids me that I have almost as many chicken houses as I have chickens! Yet, I use them all.
Have to say I simply put the dictionary definition of a coop in my reply as to the difference between a coop and a cote.
I was not saying that coops are jails. Many on this forum certainly have very nice facilities for their chickens.

I also mentioned that most would call our structures "coops." We happen to like to make a distinction.

As far as the picture of our roosting area posted earlier by Wellsummer4, it was taken at the end of the week before the weekly cleaning. What you see is just about the peak of the mess. I can say that there is certainly not a build-up of ammonia gas. I bring people in and they express their surprise at the lack of fumes. (i'll have to post a post-cleaning pic). The poles are also cleaned every few weeks.

And I have to say anywhere a chicken hangs out for any extended period of time they make a mess. That is why there is a rubber mat on the feeding table in the second picture. It is cleaned with soap and water every week.

the whole idea is to give the birds what they deserve since they do so much for us. Right? They are creatures that deserve a level of respect. Even if they are bound for the dinner table.

It is nice work; a beautiful cote with some lucky chickens living in it.

As for arguing for the sake of it, the last time I checked, a forum was a place to exchange ideas. If someone writes a post extolling the virtues of a cote over a coop, they should expect "these people" to ask a few questions.

Obviously I started this thread to learn more about cotes, but so far the only distinction offered is that chickens can fly in them. I'm not saying this as a slight, but only because I genuinely want some meaningful information on the subject. I appreciate Yashar's response to my question, but was looking for something more practical than dictionary definitions.

We're all just trying to do the best for our chickens, which is why we consult this forum where systems and methods can be exchanged, shared, and maybe even constructively criticized. Maybe this is arguing to some, but in the context of a forum, it's perfectly acceptable as long as the discussion stays on topic and doesn't stray in to the personal. When it does get personal, like in Medicine Man's quoted post above, what began as an exchange of ideas is reduced to a petty quarrel. I can go to my local newspaper's message board for that.

I thought this was an interesting article about pigeon cotes.

One thing we were considering in making one our first cotes was to allow for free ingress and egress without the worry of predators. Of course the heavier breeds would not fit the bill for this arrangement. But most of the stock we are involved with could handle such a demand if we placed it on them. We trained our Americanas to use the small door that was off the ground.

In the following picture you can see that certain details such as the chicken wire make it easy access for raccoons. If it would have been a smooth surface on that side then I think it would have worked. That is our plan for future cotes.


In this next picture we made the chicken's doors in the back about head level. We didn't have to worry dem coons because the exit was into the aviary.


I hope I'm not over-posting on this thread.
I do not get bored with your posts Yashar in fact with Res's and your ideas I have changed some things for the better in my coops. I'm sure my hubby wishes I didn't read them but he's beginning to understand the reasoning for the changes. I used a wagon wheel today for a roost in my coop it swings a bit too much for the birds right now so with another fix tomorrow as we were without power this afternoon it will be perfect the birds were sitting with their rears to the center and it seemed they were enjoying the views. I love your pictures as it shows me how to use the ideas....I still have 2 more coops or cotes to build and I have raccoons to worry about too
I really do thank Yashar for taking the time to educate me on cotes. I was looking for specific design features that distinguish a cote from a coop, and this is exactly what I got in his last post. I'd like to apologize If I came off as critical or defensive earlier in the thread, i probably took the comparison of coops to jails more personally than I should have.

Truth is, I started this thread because I'd like to build a cote and wanted to learn more about them. I'm interested in elevating the backyard flock to something more than a few egg machines living in a plywood box with a roost and pop-door. Don't get me wrong, this is how my chickens live and I think they're pretty happy, but I'd like to do even better by them.

I think the photos of Yashar's cotes are gorgeous, and despite how I may have come off, I really like the idea of a poop-hammock (I'm working on my own variation as we speak). So thanks again to Yashar and everyone else who contributed.


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