Chicken Crafts! (Show Off Your Craftiness)

Here are my chicken crafts:
I'd never worked with imitation liquid lead or stained glass paint so I wasn't sure how they'd turn out but I think they are a nice addition to our coop.

I did the art pieces, my husband found some old frames which I painted and then he put the chicken art into the frame and they are ventiliation windows for our coop! Here they are before being mounted.

Here is my RIR piece mounted on one of the coop doors

And the Silkie piece mounted on a side window. Both are hinged at the top and have a hook at the bottom so during warmer times I can prop them open and hook the chain to leave them open for continued ventilation without sacrtificing safety.
I am a garlic freak!!!! (so it's a good thing we are not talking face to face
) you combined my two favorite things!!!!! garlic and chickens

Here is my memory chain in remebrance of my 2 turkey hens killed last month by raccoons. Every year we make memory chains in remebrance of all the memories (happy one and sad ones and silly ones alike) and then we hang it and talk about those memories. I am making a feather garland tonight to hang as well on the tree
Thank you. The garland I am making is going to be a mix of different colors so I will put that up too later on. Cant wait to see how it turns out.

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