Chicken Crafts! (Show Off Your Craftiness)

Here are my chicken crafts:
I'd never worked with imitation liquid lead or stained glass paint so I wasn't sure how they'd turn out but I think they are a nice addition to our coop.

I did the art pieces, my husband found some old frames which I painted and then he put the chicken art into the frame and they are ventiliation windows for our coop! Here they are before being mounted.

Here is my RIR piece mounted on one of the coop doors

And the Silkie piece mounted on a side window. Both are hinged at the top and have a hook at the bottom so during warmer times I can prop them open and hook the chain to leave them open for continued ventilation without sacrtificing safety.

Terrific job on the windows! They look great!
Whipped up some nest box herbs with some herbs I dried during the summer.

Herbs I used are.......

lemon balm

Some of the herbs I use are for the chickens to eat for good health, and some are for bug and mice repellent.

Like people some chickens can have problems with certain herbs! so if you notice any difference with chickens and their breathing stop using the herbs and see if it clears up.
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Anyone else have any animal crafts they want to share

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