Chicken dead in a day


May 7, 2012
My beautiful Buff Brahma was found dead in her coop this morning.

She showed weird symptoms yesterday, maybe a little the day before too. The day before yesterday, I noticed she was still on her perch in the morning after all the others were already outside. Hm. Yesterday, she just looked like she couldn't walk very well - she didn't "look" sick in her face, so I thought maybe she had bumble foot or something.

When I flipped her over on my lap to examine her feet (which were fine), I saw that some water spilled out of her mouth. So I picked her upright then tilted her upside down, and water gushed out of her mouth. It wasn't colorful or smelly, it just seemed like water.

It was the late afternoon and I couldn't find my isolation cage, so I put her on her perch - off to bed a little early. This morning I was researching this water thing and how to treat it, but didn't find anything. When I came out to the coop, she was dead on the floor. So sad. Poor little sweet, fluffy girl.

Now I'm afraid for my other 5 chickens. There was just no time to deal with it, she died so quickly - so does anyone have any idea what could have killed her? I need to protect my flock!

Thank you. :(
Sounds almost like sour crop, could have been caused by an impacted crop? Been reading about a lot of people having that issue ..... myself included. Treating sour crop right now.
Perhaps it was sour crop, but would the liquid be clear? And would that kill her so quickly? I just don't know.

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