Chicken Died this morning


In the Brooder
Aug 18, 2019
St. Louis, Missouri
I have 5 chickens (well, had) and 2 roosters. My original chicken used to be very sweet, and then I added a few more to my flock and she became mean- even to the rooster. I am new to raising chickens (only about 4 months now) so I spend alot of time on Google until someone recommended you guys to me.

One particular chicken was always very skittish. Every sound she would run from and she was such a sweetheart she would literally come right up to us. About 5 weeks ago I noticed her bottom was raw and bloody. I googled and it said it was likely other hens plucking her. I seperated them all and it improved and she's been with the rest until about 2 weeks ago when I noticed her butt was a little bald again but not bloody. It healed up and she ran off with her friends again. They've all been getting along for the past week and a half. Happily eating, got a new coop and enjoying life...well this morning my fiance went out for eggs and found Oreo had passed away. My rooster had crowed more than usual this morning but aside from that nothing abnormal about my flock.

We buried her- but she had no signs of being ill yesterday. We were at a loss. Her backside looks like someone tried to peel away her skin or something and her bottom is wide open but there is no blood. One of her eyes was also white. Their coop is closed so no predators can get inside.

My 7 year old is completely torn up- I tried to explain that death is unfortunately a part of life. And, meanwhile I am worried that it was another chicken who pecked? Or could it be disease? Her friend who was standing near her body was laying down but got up when my fiance went in to get her body. How would we know if disease was present? How do i tell if another chicken pecked her to death? And...most importantly how do I prevent this in the future?


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Welcome to BYC! I'm so sorry you joined under such circumstances. :hugs
Two weeks ago when your girl was again found pecked, did you closely examine the area for any wounds? How did you treat it? Did the area that was peeled open smell badly?
Thank you :( . We did check for wounds but the most recent time there was none. No blood or anything like the first time just a balding in the area. We treated with some medication that was purple- a woman at the feed store recommended it and we had used it previously on another chicken who was being pecked. The area that was peeled did not smell badly.
Welcome to BYC! I'm so sorry you joined under such circumstances. :hugs
Two weeks ago when your girl was again found pecked, did you closely examine the area for any wounds? How did you treat it? Did the area that was peeled open smell badly?

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