Chicken eaten dog,. total look of guilt!

My Weim NEVER ate my chickens. Of course, I watched him like a hawk and made sure he KNEW they were part of the clan before I trusted him. Everything else in the woods was fair game though!
Really too bad that a dog that has been in the family for 6 years has to be re-homed. All three of my dogs have prey drive thru the roof and I have not lost a single chicken to them. It's really very simple common sense. I keep them separate!
Letting dogs and chickens mix and then giving the dog the boot when he/she gets one is just not fair to either animal. People need to know their breeds, train their dogs and above all, not put their dogs in situations where they are going to fail! They are only dogs after all!

Now climbing down from the soap box!
I agree also. One of the dogs (Greyhound mix) I have now is responsible for killing one of my goats, and helping kill another (the other dog was my Boxer, this happened years ago) Both times it happened when we were not home. I was so upset I wanted to get rid of them both! After some time, I thought things through and had a change of heart. It was in fact, my fault for not having stronger fencing. We no longer have the Boxer, but after he left us, my other dog turned into a completely different dog! No more chasing cats, goats, and even now, she could care less about the chickens. I think they just brought out the worst in each other. That poor Weimaraner! What a sweet, pathetic face.
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Poor Maggie
I'd take her in myself but im pretty sure DH would spaz out once and for all. Im training my dog (mini schnauzer) now not to eat the new chickens, but I have to say that my dog is going to trump chickens anyday of the week and twice on Sunday. I will do my best with training, supervising and fencing but gee whiz, if he gets one Im certainly not going to boot him out over it.. he's family.
I say poor mauled dead chicken!

I've rehomed a dog that ate our chickens before.

Our chickens are pets, too.

If the dog had attacked and killed our other dog I would've done the same thing. A pet is a pet.
that is one sad and guilty looking dog lets hope they rehome it sensibly. why dont folk research breeds before buying them. Ive owned border collies for years never worked them but Ive always known they were highly intelligent and need physical and mental stinulation which I do but so many end up in rescues
I have three Weims now and they are never allowed out when the chickens are free-ranging. I keep them in the backyard. That poor girls looks like she knows she did something wrong.

I bred my Weims and had two litters that I was very careful about finding homes for. If someone called and couldn't pronounce the breed name, I told them they were sold. I grilled each one of them about the breed and made sure they understood the challenges of owning a Weim. I gave out the best Weimaraner book I could buy to each buyer. It is not a breed to own on a whim.
That's no soapbox you're standing on,.. just good common sense! I am no longer surprised anymore at some people's ignorance,.. they will spend weeks researching before buying a car or something like that,.. but buy an animal because it's cute/ pretty or they saw one in a movie and it was "so sweet".

I hope Maggie gets a home that fits her perfectly,.. I fear that that someone that's looking for a "killer dog" might want her,.. and that's not what she is,.just a good old hunting dog that needs a good hunting hunting home.
X2 She does look precious and how much can you really blame her? Just as you say, hopefully someone that hunts will see her and let her do what her breed is bred to do. We had Weims growing up and it takes a little bit extra to care for them, they certainly aren't for everyone.

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