Chicken enough to go off electricity 10-10-2010?? JOIN US!!!

I will think about it. I know that I can live without electricity, but running water is not allowed. My most favorite modern convenience, is running water. Electricity is rather take or leave it thing. It doesn't impact me very much. On the other hand DH is a bit more attached. There is also the computer thing. I wouldn't mind a solar energy, or wind thing for that. Could I live without? Yep no problem. I might whine for a couple of days though.

DH wants to have a phone implanted in his head. He wouldn't mind a frequent flier chip either. I would have rather been born a hundred years ago. But this really big phenomenon has lasted for at least three generations or more. I am not sure that I am looking forward to what is coming. Big brother as arrived and I don't think that it will go away even if we go off the grid. I looked up my house on Google Earth and I can now see the front of my house from space. The cars in the drive way are current. That makes me a little crazy. I could go camping off of the grid and never miss anything but running water.

I am a member of the kill the TV club. I think that TV is the biggest mind control thing ever invented.
I am so very sorry to hear about this. I don't know what is like to lose everything to a storm, however, I do know something about the back surgery thing. My hubby has undergone back fusions twice. He is still in tough shape. Makes every little thing - putting on socks - challenging.

I am going to do the no level with a little cheating. I will leave the water pump running and refrigerator/freezer on of course. I can't throw out good food, that would be a sin.
I doubt my family will want to do this, but I will unplug everything in my room. That's the only part of the house I really have control over. My Playstation, my TV, DVD player and a couple lights are all getting unplugged.
I just don't see the point. IMO we should live our daily lives consuming the least resources as possible. Here in CA we have lots of people around us that have $400 electric bills. I don't understand how, but they do. Ours is rarely over $100 and that's with the A/C on. (or the $20 extra for the heat lamp
) And that's with a completely electric house - no gas. When we built our house, we built it to be as energy efficient as possible. We paid extra for Andersen windows: Why? Because they have great R value. We have purchased a solar hot water heater as heating our water is the majority of our electric bill. If we can ever afford it, we will put in solar panels to run the house.

If everyone lived with the thoughts that our natural resources are limited, we wouldn't have this "green" movement. Shoot around here you have people driving their Prius to look "green" but if you look at the rest of their life, they are incredibly wasteful. I find it a complete joke.
I really admire you for living with your energy consumption principles woven into your actions. Most of us we just don't get it so we need to practice by taking a day like this to reflect and learn.
I used to get very high gas bills until I got angry enough to put in a wood stove. Now my house is cozy all winter. My electric Co. seems reasonable and they are investing in wind power and that is putting people to work. Some people think wind mills are ugly, but I think it is good that people know where there power comes from just like they should know where there eggs, milk and meat come from. Anybody know who Nikola Tesla is? His inventions are used everyday but few people even heard of him. If he had gotten his way, we would all have as much electricity as we want without wires or batteries. Sounds impossible? He did many things that where considered impossible. He holds the radio patent in the USA and he is the one who gave us AC power not to mention thousands of other patents. He was using fluorescent bulbs before Edison could find a filament. Tesla was an amazing man, eccentric, but amazing.

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