Chicken enough to go off electricity 10-10-2010?? JOIN US!!!

Nope, not happening. I have company coming the day after that and a house that will need cleaned, with no time to do it before the weekend. Plus, I have two batches of baby birds in brooders, and other pets that have a need for artificial light and heat.

Besides, I have plans for Sunday.

(However, I take a lot of other steps to help the environment. Going without electricity is NOT one of them.)
I'm in. I haven't had the A/c on since the temps dipped below 90. I'm off that day, i'll grill on an open fire and go to bed early. I'm trading my fridge for my fish tank though, I can turn the fridge to run of propane, but the fish tank gotta keep going.

And for ya'll out there that refuse to go without power completely....Its not really about that, Turn off the comp for an hour, go for a walk do something that's free, productive. Do all the things your supposed to do by consciously thinking about it (turn off the water while your brushing you teeth, make sure the light aren't on when you leave the room etc ) see if there is one thing you can do to make a habit of it. Instead of a tv going in every room try everyone watching one thing together.....just suggestions.

My goal is to be off-grid by 2015, completely self sustaining except for spices, flour, out-breeding etc by 2017.

Hell I'll even go on face book and try to get some of my zombie-apocalypse friends to join me.
I am all for moving off the grid etc. if that is a life style one desires. I fully support it. I can think of no good reason to stop using the amenities for one day so that we can all feel good about ourselves and go right back to the way we were. Makes no sense to me.

I am out
I didn't live without electricity, but my cabin in Homer had no water and I loved it! It put hair on my chest! (not really - that would be creepy)
So many different responses and well thought out.

Becoming more aware of our use of energy....hmmm that is a good one.

A day without electricity or cutting back is just a reminder of all those things we take for granted.... a lifetime of energy use is the reality.

In developed countries if we are off the grid we will still use energy, maybe it is solar, maybe it is wind, maybe it is a gas powered generator and/or wood.

Did you know that according to The International Energy Agency "in 2008 the number of people without access to electricity was 1.5 billion or 22% of the world’s population" ?

******SO WHO IS WITH US FOR TRIPLE 10 DAY ?? *********
My house isn't setup to go without power during the fall/winter up here in Michigan. I don't have a wood stove setup here at the new house as of yet, but hope to soon!
I am all for using less electricity, and helping the earth. However, I believe the 2 are separate issues.

Please tell me this is not why you are suggesting the 10-10-10 :
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