
In the Brooder
May 12, 2022
hello I have a hen whose eye seems gunked shut. Came out of nowhere but i'm concerned it might be a respiratory thing as my rooster's nose keeps getting clogged up with black stuff, could this be related ??? I noticed a couple days ago her eye looked slightly irritated, almost a bit swollen, but it was completely open. Im pretty sure she's up there on the pecking order so i don't think it's that. Not sure about yesterday to be honest i've succumb to bad bad allergies, but when i went out to today she looked like this. Any leads in the right direction would be greatly appreciated
Use warm, wet compresses on the eye to loosen the gunk so the eye will open. Flush it out well, remove any pus or debris (pus will be very firm, white or cream colored, like cheesy). Look for any signs of injury. You can apply terramycin eye ointment (many tractor supply stores or feed stores carry it) or plain neosporin in the eye 2-3 times a day. Hard to say if it's respiratory (could be) or an injury from pecking or something getting in there. If you have a respiratory virus in your flock you can treat sy mptoms with Tylan or Tylosin, but often those are chronic, the birds become carriers, and symptoms can recur during times of stress. If vet care is an option, they can do some testing to see if that's the case and what it is. Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is pretty common.
Use warm, wet compresses on the eye to loosen the gunk so the eye will open. Flush it out well, remove any pus or debris (pus will be very firm, white or cream colored, like cheesy). Look for any signs of injury. You can apply terramycin eye ointment (many tractor supply stores or feed stores carry it) or plain neosporin in the eye 2-3 times a day. Hard to say if it's respiratory (could be) or an injury from pecking or something getting in there. If you have a respiratory virus in your flock you can treat sy mptoms with Tylan or Tylosin, but often those are chronic, the birds become carriers, and symptoms can recur during times of stress. If vet care is an option, they can do some testing to see if that's the case and what it is. Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) is pretty common.
thank you very much for the info!! i've haven't been able to get to the store but soon as i can i will give it a go. She seems to be doing much better in just a days time, her eye has fully opened and the swelling has gone down, but not all of it. I had another hen get this a couple weeks ago, just not as bad, and it healed by itself luckily, hopefully hers will heal just as well! I'm concerned as to why it's happening and definitely want to get to the bottom of it before it goes chicken to chicken.

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