Chicken feather breaking off


In the Brooder
Oct 5, 2020
I have got two growing chicken about 4months old. One of them has a permanent leg injury and cant walk or stand properly and therefore, is not preening his feathers and they are starting to break. How can i help him? Should i give him a bath? Can i put on some oil on them?
I have got two growing chicken about 4months old. One of them has a permanent leg injury and cant walk or stand properly and therefore, is not preening his feathers and they are starting to break. How can i help him? Should i give him a bath? Can i put on some oil on them?
Can you post some pictures of the broken feathers?
What exactly are you feeding the birds?
Healthy feathers are usually only damaged by wear caused by mating. Your birds are too young to be experiencing that.
Unhealthy feathers caused by a diet too low in protein can be fragile and can break more readily.
A leg injury shouldn't prevent most preening. I would not recommend oiling his feathers.

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