Chicken fight? whats going on...


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 9, 2008
So I just noticed the Red in the picture last night was almost like bullying the black one. It was wierd because this was the first time I had seen it.. Normally when they all come out of the run they do like this wild chicken run all through the backyard, wings out flpping its funny, and sometimes they would chase one another, just briefly.All 4 of them would do this. But last night when i was giving them some seed it seemed as if the Red didnt want the black one eating them. She would almost herd her away.

It would start out with the red waking up to the black and standing straight up, then the black would get pecked, bwawk and run off, the red would chase and do the same thing.. This morning when I was giving them some veggies and water, it happened again.. The Red almost wanted to keep the black away from the goods.

I have 4 birds the black is a week older,then came 2 reds and a wels, they all got along great until the past day, the other red and welch are fine with the black still, its just the one red. The black recently started squatting, i guess thats what it is, she almost does a little jump to this stance with legs like wing length apart. Just the past 2 days, maybe more shes been doing it when you walk by her, I dont even have to touch her now. And if I do she presses back against my hand on her back.

So im thinking maybe its because she is going to lay and the other is jealous? Or maybe the hiarchy is changing? I dont know but out of them all the blacks the only one I like. It really seems to me that the Red doesnt want the Black to be part of the group, or at least be near the water or food at the same time as the Red. Its also only outside that it seems to happen, when they are in their run and pen they are fine.

Anyhoo im wondering whats going on, why this behavior is happening, especially at this old. Could this be preventing egg laying? What might have triggered it. Do I just let it happen? So far ive kinda chased the Red around the yard, silly but it makes me feel better thinking she might know what it feels like to be chased. I really like the Black one, she runs across the yard to me whenever I come out, its too funny. I dont want to make a seperate coop and half off the yard because they cant get along so if one has to go I know what im eating this weekend.

You are witnessing the pecking order. The red is dominant over the black. She gets first pick of everything no matter what. The pecks are putting the black back in her place.

The chicken world is a cold cruel place.

And, yes, chickens can and will starve out other chickens.
So why did it just start now? They normally ate together just fine, even things like yogurt that require a plate and them close together. Just the past 2 days I have really noticed it.
Why does just the black get chased off? The other birds are there before the red too and they are allowed to stay. The red will search out the black.. Grrr these chickens... haha
Sounds like they are setting up the order like mentioned above...they are growing up and becoming adults now...things change...the squating thing sounds like she is standing to be bred...i know you aren't a roo, but mine always do it when i walk up from behind
You know how crazy teenage years are! They are just going through a phase...just put down two containers of feed on each side of the pen when you give them something...she can't be in two places at once.

I find it ironic that my black girl was always the terror and yours is the wimp!
oh man.. lol im no roo
The black "was" the leader, or at least they all followed her.. The Red has slowly become boss I guess. Thinking about it, she wakes me up to let me know its time to let them out, and man is she loud.. I thought she was a roo for a long time. Well hopefully it ends soon.
This is only happening outside of the pen also. In the pen and coop they are fine.
Maybe I should tell them the first one to lay stays in the coop and the other goes in the pot.
I just had a similar thing happen last evening. My 13 week Blk Australorp pullet seems to have developed a hatred for another 13 week Buff Orp pullet, almost stalking her. She made contact and drew blood at the beak nostril. I got the BO out and cleaned the blood so others didn't go after her, then put her back in. Almost afraid to leave them alone. They have loads of room, this was outside in the large pen.
their getting ready to breed ,, thats when MOST aggressions will come out,,, the red wants to be the FIRST on everything including mating,, and once they start mating, you will probably witness when the black is being mounted, the red will come over and "break it up" and chase the black away.
I don't think you have a roo do u? My mom always would rub them under their wings when they squatted...i think it just made them do it more often.
guess they know who's boss though!
No no roo's in my pen. I think my neighbor has one though, although I havnt seen his chickens in a while. If so they are across 2 yards a fence and a house. probably 100-200 yards away. Dont know if distance matters..

It seems from posts that this behavios is natural. I guess I will just watch them for a while see how it goes. I guess the good news would be if theyre getting ready to mate then eggs shouldnt be too far behind

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