Chicken found with stash


May 30, 2022
I’ve got a broody who’s stash I’ve just found. There are 24 eggs that she is sitting on and I’m not sure what to do. It’s not just her eggs, but the eggs from my other girls as well, she just chose to be the mom I guess. Any idea what to do with the eggs cause as far as I’m aware, 24 is too much for 1 chicken unless I’m wrong?
Are the eggs fertile (do you have a roo)? If the eggs are fertile and you want more chooks candle the eggs. Discard any infertile/dead eggs. (post pics if you need help).

If you do not want more chickens/eggs are infertile toss them. No point in letting her sit if she isn't going to hatch anything.
Are the eggs fertile (do you have a roo)? If the eggs are fertile and you want more chooks candle the eggs. Discard any infertile/dead eggs. (post pics if you need help).

If you do not want more chickens/eggs are infertile toss them. No point in letting her sit if she isn't going to hatch anything.
Yes fertile eggs, some further along then others.
If they are all fertile and she’s covering them alright I’d just mark them and leave them. If they are more than a day or two off in age you will need to have an incubator prepared for the other eggs since she won’t stay on the nest for more than 3 days max after the first one hatches.

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