Chicken gives a cuddle?

orpy's are the best aren't they?
I used to work at a riding stable that had a big white rooster. He would act super aggressive, running up toward me with wings out, growling. I avoided him, until one of the other ladies working there told me that all he wanted was to be picked up. So, next time he came at me, I bent down and scooped him up. Sure enough, he got very happy and snuggly. I taught a lot of riding lessons that summer with that rooster under my arm.
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I have 2 silkies that are 2 weeks old, and 10 chicks (americauna, white and barred rocks, sex-links, and buff orps) who are 4 weeks old. I just want to cuddle with them but they don't seem thrilled to be held. The silkies settle in after a few minutes and same with the americaunas. Can I keep trying to hold them or am I freaking them out? I don't want to traumatize them, but I also want them to be tame---any suggestions and feedback? They are so cute too... I just seem drawn to them. Help.... please.... (in case you couldn't tell, I'm a first time chicken owner....)
They go through phases, and if you are patient and just wait out the spazzy times, it will get better. You will not traumatize them by handling them gently, calmly, and lovingly. As time passes, and you continue to handle them, most of them will come to want to be cuddled. Some never will. It's just individual personality - yup, chickens gots personalities!
that is the cutest darn picture I've ever seen. Arlo would put his head under my chin & coo the day away while I stroked his beautiful feathers. Every night he'd have his Luvensies, where I'd lay in bed & cuddle him & talk to him.

I miss him so much:(

and Gypsy the new chick never stays still enough to cuddle
My BO is a total snuggler. If I don't pick her up, she pecks at me till I do. Or she just jumps up on me.

This morning, I was squatting down and she pecked me in the butt and pecked me hard. It still hurts 4 hours later.

Needless to say, I picked her up and gave her lots of love and a few mealworms.
I'm so jealous my BA they just run away. And the others SS & PR's when I try and pick them up they run in the coop, they don't mind when I rub under their chins though. It will take time- baby steps

Very cute pictures!!

This was my best cuddler ever, my dominique Aster. She just passed away this morning and I don't know what I'm going to do without her cuddles!

I do agree that handling and cuddling with them early on is the key. We had constant contact with our hens from the time they were 3 days old. Some still don't like to cuddle as much as others, but they will sit on my lap and preen occasionally. One of them loves to jump up on my shoulder, but she will sometimes cuddle on my lap.

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