Chicken herder!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 10, 2009
Greenville, NC

This is Chance. The family 5lb Yorkie-Poo. I brought this pricey "designer" dog 4 years ago. My husband the typical man ranted on about how "no stupid dog was worth $900". Blah Blah Blah

Like everyone here, I raise chickens. And on one particular day I had a rather large and rushed pick-up order. Large for me anyways. Anyhow The customer was only in town for the day and wanted 35 birds ready in 2 hours. Not to bad, it was manageable. I must add before I go any further that my husband was very excited about this sell because it was going to buy him the new PS3. So needless to say my dear hubby was eager to help. During his "helping" he forgot to close the door to the coop! Now we have over 20 chickens loose!

We were panicked to say the lest. As a joke and partly desperate I called for my lil lap dog. In just moments he understood my commands and was actually herding the chickens back in!

He was always friendly with the chickens, as where they used to him being around. So he did not snap at them and only barked at stubborn chickens. He just ran them back in one or two at a time. And before we knew it we had the chickens back in the coop and the order ready just in time. Whitout Chance we would have lost the order and been out there all day running around after chickens

I took great pleasure in rubbing this in my husbands face. So much for a stupid worthless dog huh? lol Thanks to Chance my husband got his PS3. Even to this day when I ask my husband what he is doing and he replies "Playing the PS" I reply in return "Oh you mean the one Chance bought you?" HAHAHA!

We still use Chance as our chicken herder when the occasion calls for it. When the weather warms up we plan to take a video of it and place it on youtube. I'll let everyone know when we do.

I truly live on the Funny Farm! lol
That's awesome! Woulda love to seen the look on you're hubbys face when the dog saved his butt!
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It is amazing! I thought the only instincts a York-Poo had was bark at any noise and sleep all day. Boy did he prove me wrong. now all we have to say is "Chance go get the chickens" and zoom he's off.

Your sheltie looks beautiful, any chance we can see a pic his face?
I've been looking to see if my Pap would do this... she gets to busy stuffin her face with chicken food or wont even come off the porch to help though...

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