Chicken honking when breathing! Help!


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 29, 2011
I have been home all day letting my chickens freerange as I normally do when I'm home but as I was outside I noticed my 9 month old Hen honking when breathing. As far as I have seen nothing strange was ingested. What is this! she seems fine otherwise. It's not today but not the hotest that it has been. I'm so worried! Does anyone know!
I have had this happen a couple of times off and on the last two years with one of my girls. It always seemed to be during hot, humid weather. I always kept a sharp eye on her listening for any rasping that might indicate a respitory infection developing. It never did. It always passed. The longest it took was about a week.
I have a brahma that does this now that its really hot. I tried worming her incase it was gape worm....nothing....So someone suggested it might be respitory, so I kept her seperated (I seperated her as soon as I noticed the symptoms - wondering what it was) - and treated her with antibiotics to see if it was respitory....(poor hen - experimental test dummy
) and nadda. then talking to more people they said the same - its heat. Some just do it when its hot... My pullet she doesn't have a runny nose, rattly breathing, or I let her back in with the rest of the flock and shes still the only one who does it. Still alot of mine fuss more when its hot - and I notice alot alot alot of heavy panting - and the more the others pant the more often "Honker" gets going

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