Chicken hygiene?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jun 20, 2010
Ok - I know they just go whenever/wherever they feel the need, getting the poo all off their behind feathers etc. They then must clean themselves up somehow - I don't see them do it but their behinds look clean. I only have 4 RR reds and since I have had them(1 month) there is one that always has a dirty butt - feathers all crappy. The other 3 are always clean. She is also the one who seems to be slowest to grab the treats and the last one out of the hutch in the morning when I open the door. The others all race over to the feeder she does but then quickly seems to lose interest, sits under the hutch often. I do see her eating ( I make sure she gets some treats - but she is so slow in grabbing them the others often steal them from her) and have watched her laying. She looks well otherwise. So what's the scoop is sick in some way or just her hygiene?
Are they just chicks, or are the older? She might just be low on the pecking order. But the dirty bottom could indicate she needs to be wormed, as normally, a healthy chicken has a clean bottom.
They are 1 1/2 year old RR Reds. What does it mean she has to be wormed? I read on a couple old threads that you should wash it off and see if it comes back. I also read another saying one of her hens is always like this?

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