Chicken in lethagic, won't eat and drink, closes eyes


9 Years
May 31, 2013
I just let me chickens out of their pen to run around for awhile. They all seemed to be doing fine for a good 10-15 minutes, but then one of them wandered off and just stood still for a long while. She won't eat any worms I offer her. She just closes her eyes and flops down on her side. Her tail is down and it looks like she's trying to make movement in her behind area. I did a little research and found that she may have an unpassed egg? How would I check for that?

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You can check for egg binding by using some lubrication and gloves and gently insert your finger into the vent and try and feel for the egg. if your not sure what exactly normal feels like you can take a healthy Chicken and do a vent exam on her then feel the one you suspect has the problem. You should be able to feel the differences. If you do suspect she is bound you can give her a human calcium pill to help her lay or a shot of calcium glutenate. Vets will give a bound hen calcium glutenate injections to help her lay. you might be able to find the calcium injections at the feed store under the name teracalcium. Just make sure the ingredients are calcium glutenate. If you can find it a human calcium pill will also help. If she can handle it you can give her a warm bath to relax her muscles and lube her vent to help her pass the egg. I hope this helps. Good luck and let us know what you found after her vent exam. Best wishes
My girl was eggbound. I didn't know it until I saw her jump in and out of the nest box. And she was agitated, not like her.
I gave her a warm bath, put olive oil all around her vent area and massaged.
Calcium pill in the blender with a little water, and syringed her every second I could.
Nothing. I got worried and took her to the only vet that would see her.
He also could not feel an egg in her abdomen or the vicinity.
He got the egg out. It was high up there.
The vet went up far with his gloves and KY Jelly and got the egg down.
that is my experience with egg bound.

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