Chicken in shock


In the Brooder
Apr 11, 2021
Last night we believe a bear tried to break into our coop and luckily was unsuccessful. However, one of our chickens looks to be in shock. I found her on their roosting bar with head down and eyes closed. I tried to place her next to the nesting box and she wouldn’t move. I isolated her in a dark crate inside and gave her a little bit of electrolyte water and a scrambled egg and she immediately scarfed it down. I gave her another about a couple hours later and she ate about half. I let her out to see her friends and she seemed happy to see them and walked around some but then i noticed she was standing and closing her eyes again so I brought her back inside her crate. How long should I continue to isolate her? Is there anything else I should do? Is she better off with her friends? Will the bear try to come back if it wasn’t successful? Thank you!
I'd check for other causes. Makes sure her crop and abdomen feel normal and her poops are okay. Also check for injuries (she could have injured herself if she panicked) and mites. You can keep her with the rest of the flock as long as she's not being bothered.
I'd check for other causes. Makes sure her crop and abdomen feel normal and her poops are okay. Also check for injuries (she could have injured herself if she panicked) and mites. You can keep her with the rest of the flock as long as she's not being bothered.
Thank you for your reply.

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