chicken laying on side after being beaten up by other hens


10 Years
Sep 7, 2012
Western Slope, Co
So my 13 week old aruacana has been lowest on the pecking order and is always getting picked

on. Today I woke up and she was laying on her side and the others were pulling out feathers.

I separated her but she is still laying on her side and cant seem to stand up..while when I pick her

up she still can move her legs and it doesnt seem like anything is broken but im no expert

Any advice? Ive made sure she has food and water she can reach where she is laying

Thank you
Well I have no real advice to offer, just to say that I have had two hens suffer a similar thing in the past year. One was about 14wks, the other was over a year. They started walking a little funny, then laying on one side, and eventually not able to get up off of that one side but otherwise seem healthy. The first chick..the younger one, I tried everything to nurse her back, hand feeding her, brought her into the house for round the day care, yogurt, oats, etc etc. After a week she just got worse and I eventually had to have her put down. The second hen, same thing, but the other chickens attacked her before I could remove her. I had a chicken friend com eover to look at her and in that couple of hours wait, she had her head pecked pretty good. I decided to put her down too after witnessing the progression.

I had the first hen tested and they found nothing wrong with her other than some fatty deposits in her brain!? My chicken friend just said it sometimes happens....I don't know.

Sorry......Seperate her though, so she won't get pecked any more....
thanks. she/he seems to be walking fine when we set her in our yard but she/he definitely sits more, is smaller and does this weird thing. All of them including this one are acting more aggressive this week.

we have them in our house b/c our basement and outside are too chilly (~50-60 F). I wonder if we are bothering them?

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