Chicken laying small eggs

I had a Barred Rock and a Rhode Island Red that both laid smaller eggs. They were similar in size to medium eggs you’d find in the store, and had slight variations from egg to egg, but were pretty consistently small. My neighbor, who also has chickens, commented once on how tiny they were compared to hers, which is when I first wondered the same thing you did. I will be curious if this new batch of birds of mine have some larger size eggs or not.
I had a Barred Rock and a Rhode Island Red that both laid smaller eggs. They were similar in size to medium eggs you’d find in the store, and had slight variations from egg to egg, but were pretty consistently small. My neighbor, who also has chickens, commented once on how tiny they were compared to hers, which is when I first wondered the same thing you did. I will be curious if this new batch of birds of mine have some larger size eggs or not.
Yes sometimes I think that her eggs are getting bigger but then the next egg she lays is a little smaller, she lays pretty much everyday and is the loudest hen from my flock. :)
I’m not too sure but I don’t think she’s a bantam she’s pretty much the same size as my other large fowl hens. She hatched from an egg that was off of eBay and described as mixed large foul.
What breed is she?
Almost looks like a silver laced wyandotte, mine laid small egg even as adults.
Yes sometimes I think that her eggs are getting bigger but then the next egg she lays is a little smaller, she lays pretty much everyday and is the loudest hen from my flock. :)

At least she compensates for the size with quantity. Another advantage: Chicken that lay smaller eggs will seldom suffer from egg-binding and other issues of the reproductive system as the smaller eggs will not overstrain the oviduct.
Yes sometimes I think that her eggs are getting bigger but then the next egg she lays is a little smaller, she lays pretty much everyday and is the loudest hen from my flock. :)

Avoid hatching her eggs small eggs produce small chicks, large eggs 65+ grams produce wide and chunky chicks.:)
Thanks, I was thinking of putting some of her eggs into the incubator but now that you’ve said that it’s made me rethink it. I wouldn’t want small chicks that would go on to lay small sized eggs. 😀

For larger eggs select chicks with well spaced legs. Hens with legs closer together lay smaller eggs.
There are quite a few chicken breeds that lay only medium or small eggs and end up being huge, for instance Brahma.

If the rooster that is to inseminate her eggs hatched from a big egg, her offspring might as well lay big eggs.

I agree with you, I keep some large breeds that lay smaller eggs, like Brahmas and aseels, but even in them chicks that hatch from the larger eggs end up being larger than those who hatch from smaller eggs. That's just my experience.

What if that rooster inseminate eggs of a hen who lays large eggs.

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