Chicken losing use of legs


5 Years
Apr 23, 2014

I have a 10 year old chicken that has slowly been losing the use of her legs. I first noticed a week or two ago that she would not roost like usual, but instead lay on the floor beneath the roost. Even this morning she still showed a big interest in eating and drinking, no major problems there. She could not go up the ramp from the outside to the hen house like usual, so I had to help her the last few days. When she walks she would high step, if you know what I mean. Just seems unsure with her feet. I just went out to check on her and she was on her side, with one leg quivering. I put her on her feet and she began to walk around. She has always been small, but now feels pretty skinny in the chest when I pick her up. She is an old bird, 10 like I said. Anyone have any thoughts, ideas for help?

Thank you.
It sounds like it is her time. If she degrades anymore, I would personally give her a peaceful death before she gets to a point where she is in pain. Ten years is a wonderfully long life for a chicken! If you would rather allow nature to take its course, Maybe you could make her a very low roost to sleep on, and extend the ramp to make it less steep?
I agree she has had a long life, and that most likely it is her time. This morning I thought I might find her on her side again but she was on her feet and wanted to eat the food I brought out to her; her head popped up high and she was herself for 15 seconds. She seems very tired, but at least she was on her feet. I want to check on a few more things before I give up. She does not seem like she is in pain or miserable in any way, just tired and slow.


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