Chicken lost voice, wheezing, and gasping for breath. VIDEO ADDED

Yesterday morning I came out to check on the chickens and heard one of my hens sneeze about 3 times. Then i noticed that she wasnt making any noise like the rest of the chickens. When i looked closer she had her mouth open (like she was hot) and i could hear her wheezing like breathing was difficult.

I brought her in the house and have her in a crate with some food and water. I mixed in a little Rooster Booster Multi Wormer into her food and waiting to see if she gets worse/better.

Its about 3 am and she does not look like she is doing well at all! She is really gasping/wheezing for breath now and her tail is down. I've looked down her through but I dont think i see much.

I've looked all over the web but it doesnt seem like this is a spcific symptom. A lot of people suggest gapeworm.


If you can, please help. Thanks.
Where is the video for this hen please I’d like to compare against my hen with similar issues please

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