Sponsored Post Chicken Math Strikes Again!

They may have shipped today (tonight) like mine did last week. Call in the morning and get a tracking # from them and then you can check to see if they did go out tonight. In that case, you will get them Thursday morning.

Wow! Buff, White, and a couple mottled
Ideal! Ask and ye shall recieve!
What did you order this week?

They have to reship my last order since all but 2 or 3 were dead. I am getting 2 female 2 male cayuga ducks, and 6 blue Millie Fleur Bantam chickens. The ducks are for my breeding flock since the neighbor dog got my drake last year. the bantam chickens are for my daughter she is 6 and a half years old but she is the size of a four year old so we wanted something small for her to show in the fair. My son is 8 and a half but he is about the size of a 10 year old so he has his flock of Blue Copper Maran. Can't wait to see the new babies.

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