Chicken math

Apparently "chicken math" applies to brooders as well. Here's the progression so far ...

Ha ha! Mine went from a small, toilet paper box to a huge exercise machine box! And, I went to pick up my 3 BO chicks Saturday and came home with 7 - I added 3 BSL and a Red Cross chick to the mix. The Red Cross is supposed to be a RIR/White Columbian Rock cross, and is supposed to be a great egg layer. We'll see, and if I like her, I'll buy more next year! I STILL have 10 EE chicks on order, so that will mean I've bought 25 again this Spring!
gotta love chick season, I got 6 bantams from tsc in late February 5 porcelain d'uccle and 1 I'm not sure of... then the local chicken supply store got in buff orpington bantam chicks so of course I picked up 4 of them and 2 mallard ducklings... I just hatched out 11 cochin bantam barnyard mixes from my flock and am getting 4 runner ducklings this week..... In may I will be getting 6 or 7 red bourbon turkeys as well. I was just planning on hatching eggs from my flock this year I swear

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