Chicken math

*steps forward* hi. I'm Jen and I'm a chick-a-holic.

I was just going to get 6 chicks and 6 ducks, one little coop and a small run.

A little over a month later, I have 8 ducks, and 43 chicks for meat, eggs, and selling pullets. :hmm my one little run and coop is becoming a quarter acre of my land and a super coop. Plus building a pond for the ducks.


And my SO totally is an enabler. Always says yes to new chicks, and is helping build the runs and coops.

This is a dangerous relationship.

Welcome to the club. There is no cure or therapy that has proven successful as of yet.
Hello my name is Babs. I wanted 6 Black Australorp hens. After 4 years of struggle and turmoil and a few roosters by surprise I now have 43 chickens and only 3 are Black Australorp. I think I need to perhaps place an order................
Golden Campines??????
Oh I MUST have some of those.............
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Oh dear.... I have another broody. That is not a problem for me. I would cheerfully order some more Black Java eggs from another line and put them under her and build another coop. But my hubby just doesn't understand chickens math. I told him that the easiest thing would be to just leave two eggs under her and mark them. That way the most we get is two more chicks. I could try to break her but I dont currently have a wire cage to put her in so I didn't really explain all that to him.

I just don't see the downside to more chickens. Maybe he'll eventually see the light.
A neighbor that my hubby has been doing work for has been adding to her flock so my hubby can "chicken math" firsthand. She also has a broody hen which explains all the noises I have been hearing she is not happy about having her eggs taken. My neighbor has been just taking the eggs and not letting her sit. Also while out in the yard she gave them a pile of leaves and this hen was trying to make a nest but of course the others would see her working and think she found something good and would wreck her attempts at the nest. Which the noises I hear when outside are her protesting and crying. Poor girl.
I think I have been scolded?! My son came in and said in a shocked voice "Mom what are you doing!?", I said.. eating an omelet, why? He looked at me and said "eggs are not for eating!" and walked off.
So far I've planned on 4, got 6. We were going to stagger ages and get another 4 in a couple of years... I'm already considering getting more.

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