Chicken math

Almost all of my eggs have hatched and I have only picked out two to keep
maybe I am gaining control.
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So it has been 4+ years that I have struggled with the disease.
I wanted 6 mind you just 6 Black Australorp.
It was Mothers Day and we were shopping for dog harnesses at the feed store...... OH they have chicks.... I take a look and yes there were my beloved Black Australorp chicks just waiting for me to take them home. Mind you I had no coop, no brooder, no intention of begging DH once again for chickens.
I mentioned to him how nice it would be to have some BA. He told me to get some.....then he came to have a look in the brooders....... HE decided I could have 2 BA, 2 EE and 2 California Whites. But I just wanted BA and I wanted 6.......years pass.........chicks are bought...........chicks grow and twice when I had finally found a few BA a rooster was hiding as a cute little sexed pullet. Well you cannot just give away a lone chicken even if it is a rooster.........The BA pullets went with them.............more time and more chicks later I still only have the original 2 mind you just 2 BA hens.

Now I have 23 chicks in the chicks portion of the coop. ONE is a BA the only BA they had. JUST ONE. My other hens are now getting old and may not live much longer. I only will have ONE if they pass away. JUST ONE. This cannot be, I must find some BA.

Now a few weeks later I have a broody cochin bantam. I call everywhere around me within reasonable driving distance looking desperately for 3 BA chicks to give her. NONE not a one. NONE coming in this week either.
I did find a place that is getting some Barnevelder chicks on Friday.
Sigh I guess they will have to do. ;)

The search shall continue ............................

I'm sorry you can't find any. I just got 3 from the feed store 5 weeks ago. I hadn't intended to get them, it just happened
They are apparently THE most popular breed around here. Every time anyone gets any in they are already reserved or sold within the hour of arrival.

I have decided to give up the search and just be happy with the many many many other breeds I have. If it is meant to be it will happen I suppose.
They are apparently THE most popular breed around here. Every time anyone gets any in they are already reserved or sold within the hour of arrival.

I have decided to give up the search and just be happy with the many many many other breeds I have. If it is meant to be it will happen I suppose.

My Coop lets you order from them . See if the place that's gets them will let u special order some with their next shipment . Mine does not charge extra, sometimes it just may be a shipment or two before they're available to be sent. Then because I specifically requested them they're held for me till I pick them up.
It is ok. Next time I need to refresh the flock I am ordering instead of trying to get some from around here. The biggest issue I have had is I am trying to avoid a certain hatchery since there have been genetic issues with the ones from there. The feed stores close to me all use the hatchery I am trying to avoid because of curled toes, cross beak and the like as well as the sexing ratio is way off.
I am not allowed roosters where I live so one out of 3 being a crower is not so good for me.
I will order chicks in about 2 or 3 years depending on how the ones I have now do.

No worries I have nice chicks that should grow up well enough. Pretty birds with good personality so I am ok with it.
Chickens...hmmm...need them,not just want them,and I know the difference between need and want. These chickens will provide my family a few,(every time we went to TS we got a few)my husband thought I had lost my mind.he told the girl at Tractor Supply "do NOT sell her anymore chicks". Then we went to visit my son in Hinesville and their TS had white leghorns
. My husband wanted a dozen!!! I figured,if he got a dozen then he must be ok with me getting more. So the next time I went to the local feed store (a mile away)I got a few Ameracanas! But they will lay blue eggs!! And now we both are into the rare breeds...we get every color egg of the chicken rainbow! I HAVE found the pot of gold (chick style)

Hinesville, GA?
I ordered online, 15 min order + they send a rare for free so thats 16 + i think they send a few extra just incase some die in transit, + i bought 6 from TSC as a "demo run" for the brooder/coop before they arrive to work out any possible problems ... once my 16 show up im looking at 22-24 chickens.... granted ill probly have a few roosters in the bunch and will need only 1 ... so after all is said and done im hopeing to level out at 20 and the extra roo's frozen in my freezer :) ... but having 1 roo as soon as one hen goes broody ill end up probly 8 more chicks... and so one and so forth....
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