Chicken meat pens for the fair


5 Years
May 21, 2014
Just had a few questions. I wanted to raise a meat pen of chickens for our fair in late august. What breed of chickens do I buy? Will they be ready (if I buy chicks now) to show by august 26 ish? I've never showed a meat pen and would appreciate any input :)
Just had a few questions. I wanted to raise a meat pen of chickens for our fair in late august. What breed of chickens do I buy? Will they be ready (if I buy chicks now) to show by august 26 ish? I've never showed a meat pen and would appreciate any input
Not sure of an answer for you. CX seems to be the one to go to but I'd check with the school to see what they want and if you have to buy at the same place and times as others. Good luck

You'll have to check with whoever's doing the show--is it 4-H, anything like that? The fair office will have a list of qualifications for each class. I've only seen Cornish cross at out fair, and they're usually around the 7 week range at time of fair. I'd love to see a pen with different breeds, though, even Rangers or something like that.

You'll have to check with whoever's doing the show--is it 4-H, anything like that? The fair office will have a list of qualifications for each class. I've only seen Cornish cross at out fair, and they're usually around the 7 week range at time of fair. I'd love to see a pen with different breeds, though, even Rangers or something like that. 

I believe the birds used at our fairs are white leghorns? I dont remember though. Our area seems to show animals differently than other states/counties. & I'm not with 4h nor FFA. I'm in the independent category. I've emailed the fair a few times and they've never gotten back to me. I can't ask the agriculture advisor (from when I was in FFA) because shes the reason I left. Ahhhhh lol. I guess I'll try to figure it out somehow.
No one's using Leghorns for meat bird, unless they're insane

Call the fair, don't e-mail. Call them and and ask for a class list, discuss these questions with them. Or at least find a phone number for talking to the poultry person.

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