chicken moat


10 Years
Apr 8, 2012
Bogota, Col

the coop is at the bottom. 1 m wide 30 m long moat that leads to the compost area (10 m x 10 m). the plan is to extend the moat around the entire garden (keep the grass out)

new compost material is added to the top pile for 2 weeks. it is turned (down hill). a new pile is started, built for 2 weeks, both turned...ect...ect.
The first year that I had my chickens from the start of the year, I noticed a significant reduction in all the pests in my garden. Now the coop and run are 100 feet away from the garden. For this first year, the chickens stayed in the run all of the time.

This year, they have been foraging during the day. I have a fence around the garden. I expect to experience the same reduction in bugs.

If this is not serendipity, then having a few chickens around may be the solution to bugs in the garden.

Nice! Beautiful surrounding view!!
I am glad to hear the chicken moat works. Mine is currently under construction along with the new coop. Mine will surround the garden. When I tell people I am putting in a chicken moat they just look at me like I'm crazy. One person asked if the chickens would swim in it.

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