Chicken molting & walking sideways

This thread is 5 years old, so it might be good to start a new thread of your own. Are you giving any vitamins while she is molting? When there are neurological signs, giving 400 IU of human vitamin E daily, along with 1/2 tablet of human B complex would be good. Is she on a layer or all flock feed? Those are best, limiting treats except for a bit of extra egg protein daily to help regrow feathers. Make sure that she is eating and drinking. Moistening the feed with water sometimes helps.They do not like to be handled much when new feathers are coming in, so leave her alone mostly.
Hello I wanted to reply to your post I have a naked neck turken and her name is Ren she's a black laced after noticing her walking close to the ground and sideways I decided to come to backyard chicken I always come to them for questions and answers it seems to me that your chicken is doing the same thing mine is so it can't be just a coincidence I believe my Ren is in pain she is in the middle of her hard molt I say that she's in pain because when I went to pet her she went right to the ground and made awful sounds she has pin feathers absolutely everywhere that look extremely painful they feel like spikes I did put a little heater lamp in the coop that if she wants to she can go underneath it I don't know if that's the proper thing to do or not but her being a turken she didn't have a lot of feathers in the first place LOL
I have a Road Island Red who looks like a porcupine and who is also walking side ways. I noticed when I turned the heater in the cop on she ran in to be near it. I believe it does make them feel better.
I have this very thing going on now...hoping it's just a "hard molt" and nothing more. My girl is inside for now though cause she's a hot mess. Just about lost all her feathers, walking close to the ground and sideways, and squawks like crazy if I touch her. I'm giving extra protein and extra vitamins in scrambled eggs hoping this helps her. Poor thing, she looks pitiful. 😢
I know this is an old post but how did your hen do? Mine is inside and doing exactly what you describe. I have only been able to get her to eat tuna, blueberries and raw egg. She doesn’t want her feed or water. How long will this last?


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