Chicken Mutiny

I only have one Hen that decides when she wants to come in or go out for that matter, SS named Emerald, She has started this "catch me if you can" game. If Im not close to the gate to the pen she will walk right up and let me pick her up but if I have the key to the gate and unlock it she will stay 2 steps ahead of me at all times, and its weird because she will run around to the big (human)door and stand there til I open it and she goes right in! I love her to death but sometimes she gets on my last nerve, especially when Im in a hurry!
I have tried with the treats, and she just is not falling for that old trick! Works for everyone else but not her. I have starting calling her "Princess Emerald" LOL
I went through all that but finally I just quit letting them out unless it was an hour or so before dark. No worries, just wait and they'll go in by themselves.

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