Chicken Myths/Rumors: True or False, Please Share!

Myth/Rumor: Only roosters crow.
Story: It is often assumed that ONLY roosters crow. They like to crow when things are safe, to contact other roosters, to say their territory, when they're happy, and I've heard they also crow when there's danger.
True or False: False
Evidence: Whereas most roosters crow, occasionally you'll get a crowing hen. Unlike roosters, hens have other reasons for crowing. Hens crow when they're alone. They crow to try reconnect with their flock mates, and sometimes when they're broody. Some will crow while they're with their flock, but not always. From what I've seen, it's more common for bantam hens to crow, then standard hens.

Here is a video of a bantam hen named Lolly crowing below. She'd often crow when she was separated from her mother and occasionally her brothers.

Myth/Rumor: Only roosters crow.
Story: It is often assumed that ONLY roosters crow. They like to crow when things are safe, to contact other roosters, to say their territory, when they're happy, and I've heard they also crow when there's danger.
True or False: False
Evidence: Whereas most roosters crow, occasionally you'll get a crowing hen. Unlike roosters, hens have other reasons for crowing. Hens crow when they're alone. They crow to try reconnect with their flock mates, and sometimes when they're broody. Some will crow while they're with their flock, but not always. From what I've seen, it's more common for bantam hens to crow, then standard hens.

Here is a video of a bantam hen named Lolly crowing below. She'd often crow when she was separated from her mother and occasionally her brothers.

Wow, never had one of my hens doing that! That would be quite interesting!
Wow, never had one of my hens doing that! That would be quite interesting!
As I said, it's more common for bantam hens to crow then standards. I've had over 100 standard hens in total over time and they never crowed. I've had the total of seven bantam hens over time, and around half of them has crowed. So far, the only started hen I know of that has crowed, was a hen named Blamo, and she wasn't any of my hens.
As I said, it's more common for bantam hens to crow then standards. I've had over 100 standard hens in total over time and they never crowed. I've had the total of seven bantam hens over time, and around half of them has crowed. So far, the only started hen I know of that has crowed, was a hen named Blamo, and she wasn't any of my hens.

I haven't personally had a crowing hen but I've seen one in person.

My daughter's mother-in-law had one -- said she was the best layer in the flock too.
Myth/Rumor: Chickens can't fly
Story: People assume that because they are seen on the ground and in pens, means they can't fly
True Or False: Fruse (True x False), for some breeds it's true and others it's false. Lighter breeds can fly
Evidence: One of my little D'Uccles flew 20 meters without touching the ground, onto the bird averey, and into the chicken pen. :confused:

I’ve got small barred rock launched herself from the roost bar out the door of the coop made a 90 degree turn and flew about 50ft where she slammed into the middle of a pile of three fighting roosters, broke up the fight, shook herself off and went back to the coop. Crazy girl. She also tried to attack the hawk.
I’ve got small barred rock launched herself from the roost bar out the door of the coop made a 90 degree turn and flew about 50ft where she slammed into the middle of a pile of three fighting roosters, broke up the fight, shook herself off and went back to the coop. Crazy girl. She also tried to attack the hawk.

Her father was an F-16?
I’ve got small barred rock launched herself from the roost bar out the door of the coop made a 90 degree turn and flew about 50ft where she slammed into the middle of a pile of three fighting roosters, broke up the fight, shook herself off and went back to the coop. Crazy girl. She also tried to attack the hawk.
I saw a video once of a hen attacking a hawk. The hawk came down after her chicks and she went after it. After screaming at the hawk for a little while, she ran off with her chicks leaving the hawk looking stunned.
Myth: Apple cider vinegar is a safe cure all. Especially for crop issues.

Source: various I’ve seen it posted on BYC and other chicken sites numerous times.

True/false: in my experience false.

Evidence: I’ve put it my chickens water twice. Both times I had multiple hens come down with sour crop in less than a week. Never had an issue with sour crop before or since.
Myth: Apple cider vinegar is a safe cure all. Especially for crop issues.

Source: various I’ve seen it posted on BYC and other chicken sites numerous times.

True/false: in my experience false.

Evidence: I’ve put it my chickens water twice. Both times I had multiple hens come down with sour crop in less than a week. Never had an issue with sour crop before or since.
I now know what I'll never do. Quick question: Was the ACV with, or without the mother?

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