Chicken Name Help!!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 27, 2013
So I am getting 3 silkies soon ( 2 white, 1 black..all female) and I need cute names! So far I only have Morticia as a name for the black one but I need some help with the 2 white ones! I was thinking maybe some cute names to go along with their color? Im not into the names like snowball or snowy I kind of like more unique names!

Thank You!

- Kennedy
hope you like these!
I just got my first white silliest. She's the cutest little thing! Her name is Hedwig, after Harry Potter'owl; we'll be calling her Wiggie.
So I am getting 3 silkies soon ( 2 white, 1 black..all female) and I need cute names! So far I only have Morticia as a name for the black one but I need some help with the 2 white ones! I was thinking maybe some cute names to go along with their color? Im not into the names like snowball or snowy I kind of like more unique names!

Thank You!

- Kennedy
Love Morticia. As for the white ones how about Dandelion? Puff? Velvet?
one white one can be cotton, the other can be candy. or maybe Cookie? maybe one could be Cacao, the other can be Nibs? Macaroni and cheese? peanut and jelly?

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