Chicken Names- whats your chickens name?

Well... It would take a millennia to name them all. Here's a few.
My wheaten old english pen:
Peter, Arianna, Ariety, Ariel, Aphrodite, Annabelle, Bea, Bailey, Becky, Candy and CeCe.

My Pyncheon pen:
Chris, Jaymie, Joan, Kaylie, Khole, Louisiana, Laura, Mona and Mabel.

My Quail D'Anvers pen:
Austin, Fern, Fiona, Gloria, Georgia, Heather, Hermionie and Isabella.

My Black Leghorn bantam pen:
Zachary, Candace, Connie, Cher, Dianna, Donna, Eve, Evelyn and Ericka

My Blue Cochin bantam pen:
Noah, Natilie, Natasha, Onja, Opra, Penelope, Persephonie, Renea, Rhonda and Selena.
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I've got that last Partridge Rock named! She's Kiwi.
And a couple guineas have gotten updated names as well. Icarus II (formerly Bazooka) and Helen (formerly Hector).
i cant think of any good names for my chickens, i wanted everyone to post thier chickens name and the type of chicken it is, maybe i can get some ideas from all the cool names
Check this out... Theres TONS of names on this website.
I have Annie, buff Orpington, Molly ,Plymouth Rock Millie Silver Wyandotte (in Heaven now) Hilda and Tilda, both Plymouth Rocks. I just call my silkie silkie, kind of stupid I know. I saw someone had a chicken named Atilla.
Attilla the Hen!
4 of my 45 chickens are Barred Rock, 1 roo, 3 hens and the Roo is Mr. Burb(for barred rock baby.... brb(and hes a boy thus the "mr") and the 3 hens are Burb, Blacky Burbette and Greybee Burbette. I am so tired of naming but they seem to come out of nowhere.
My chickens names are: (I went for Fairy Tale Theme)
(Briar) Rose RIR pullet
Aurora RIR pullet
Cinderella GoldenComet/SexLink pullet (white w/ brown tail and black specks around neck)
Goldilocks GoldenComet/RedSexLink pullet (redish-brown & white)
Gretel GoldenComet/RedSexLink pullet (redish-brown & white)
Giselle GoldenComet/RedSexLink pullet (redish-brown & white) from Enchanted
Beauty Barrred Rock pullet
Belle Barred Rock pullet
Blanche Barred Rock pullet (French Snow WHITE) she has less black on beak

Snowey All white Easter Egger pullet that's already giving me blue eggs

One Barred Rock cockerel that I'm still deciding on name: either Prince Charming or Prince Phillip (I didn't get to name my son Phillip because hubby didn't like it so here I can use it
- it's Sleeping Beauty's prince but Charming has such a nice ring to it)

I also have two Easter Egger boys that I'm still deciding names on (was suppose to be girls):

The dark one if he gets to stay might be Morelli. Hubby and I are Stephanie Plum fans so this name might endear him to DH better
The light one: Stu/Stew seems to have stuck but might call him Ranger if he stays nice and doesn't end up being dressed for dinner

a part of me says that 3 roos is too many - need only one for guard duty as well as stud duty but I'm not sure who gets to stay. Stu will eat out of my hand so for now he's the friendliest (the other two are still shy); the barred rock was bought on purpose to be the big-guy-in-the-coop (have more BR chicks with the three other girls) but it would be nice to also have more EE chicks too (not building separate pens - DH won't do it); I guess it's going to depend upon how nice everyone stays...any bad boys will be eaten
and make the decision for me - more BR chicks or EE chicks.

The Bantams:
DS1's have a rock theme: Flint (gray d'uccle roo)
and Pyrite a.k.a. Lil' Miss (OEGB pullet),
DS2's Cochin's have Star Wars names: Pad-a-may (buff pullet), and Anikin (black roo)

My Silkies are Klingon, Errol, Herbert, Humbug, Polo, Amy (my avatar), Arabella, Pootle, and Posey. My Silkie cross is Honour and the other mixed breeds are Rusty, Scully and Bosch.

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