chicken names

chicken x

7 Years
Mar 18, 2012
i have 3 chickens harley cherri and pandora
but we are getting 8 more 3 bantoms 3 pekins and 2 more chickens i need names ???
any idears we are getting them in 1 week so need names fast x
Wait 'till you see what they look like and how they behave and what comes to mind. I named lots of chickens that way. For example Inky Dinky, who was a teeny tiny bantam chick, white with black "blotches" on her head and back. And I have a Dora (the explorer) who used to escape from the chick pen all the time...
Or have a look around the forum, there are some threads on chicken names that may give you some ideas.
Sumi is right! I just got 2 standard blk cochins. Because my first Cochin was Mr. Rockafeller I just had to give these to some very prominent names. So they will now be know as Mr. President and the First Lady. You can go see my post for pix. Thanks Good luck naming them. You will have a great time.

Wait 'till you see what they look like and how they behave and what comes to mind. I named lots of chickens that way. For example Inky Dinky, who was a teeny tiny bantam chick, white with black "blotches" on her head and back. And I have a Dora (the explorer) who used to escape from the chick pen all the time...
Or have a look around the forum, there are some threads on chicken names that may give you some ideas.
Foghorn Leghorn; Lady; Sugar; Crusty; Cinnamon; Old Red; Red; Sunshine; Fluff-ball; Chicken; Fajita; Pita; Rusty; Haan; Kip; Chicken Dumplings; Chicken Noodle Soup; Chicken and Rice; Chicken Spaghetti; Chicken Fried Chicken; Pretty Chicken Marinade...
You have a long time to wait on names. Shoot mine just came to me while I was messing around with them. My sister had puppies once and she kept all of them and she would just slip a word and if it happened twice it happened.One was fat so she called it a pig and to this day that is what the name is. Pig and then she called one her creation and that his name...cree, short for creation. I got a roo and so badly I want him to stick to Nile, but for a nickname we call him roo.

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