Chicken names...

My MIL had a dog named DeeOJee (emphasis on the O -- DeeOHHHJee).

You can see my chickens' names in my signature.
Silver Belle
and 3 new babies need names

Now babies have names
Captian Jack
Will Turner
Elizabet Swann
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Not all of mine have names yet.
My cornish Rooster that thinks he is a bantie is named Tiny, and then the one who thinks he is the boss is named Boss. The broody hen is named Killer, but the rest don't have names yet, I wait till I find something that suits them.
My wife had a cat named that and she hid all the time.
I Used to live in a townhouse and there were 2 ducks in the pond in back that we named olga and helga
I had a pied bugie, hard to tell the sex on them so I named it Hermaphrodite
Was my cockerspanial
He was a very smart dog, my wife says he was the stupidest dog she ever saw.

So I guess those would be my pics

But my chickens are named: Hazel(Dominique), Emerald(Black Australorp),
Dominique alias Nikki(Dominique), and Mrs. Nezbit (Black Australorp)

Sorry if I ruined those names for you but they wernt on your favorites list so, If that helps narrow the field, ive done you a service hehe
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Here are mine: Banties- Perdue and Sandra

4 week old cochins- Chili, Cheyann, Pepper, Buffy and Ping.

2 week old cochins- Gussie, Goldie, Esther and 1 un name I think maybe a roo.

2 week unknown what they are- Ivy and Cleo.

That's it for now.

The ones we can tell apart so far.....

are the biggest one -
supposed to be a roo but might just be a girl -TINY

2 Austrlorps (we think)
one with a white dot on her head -SPOT

one with 1 white dot above each eye -ELIZA

The bossy most friendly to people- Chicken Hawk
we think he's a roo already
and he's only 2 weeks old

4 down 23 to name.........

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