Chicken names...

Those are some great names mine are

Circe (Keer-say) greek goddess that turned men into pigs, also stands for "bird." She's the biggest and sweetest

Elysia (Ill-i-sia) She is the one in the middle, very quiet and shy. Name comes from names from the underworld I think it was a queen or somethin.'

Lilith or Cora (still not sure which to call her). She is the smallest, most naughty, attitudial one we have. That name is also from names of the underworld. Lilith is a famous demon queen - the highest level. Cora also I believe is an Irish name.

I just like the sound of them. And more unsual names. My cat's Tabitha (from bewitched) and dog is Sabrina (also witch name).

Good luck with your choices!

I thought Lil Jerry was a OEGB...I loved that episode!

Most of my birds' names are on Helena's list,
I had Jerry Remy-a Black and White Leghorn Mix cockerel, Tom Brunanski- an EE pullet, Slifer the Sky Dragon, and a Leghorn/Light Brahma mix hermaphrodite hen.
Currently, I have Slifer's buddy, Obelisk the Tormentor, a Black/White Leghorn mix hen, and Miss MoneyPenny, a Silkie/Cochin mix hen.
Miss MoneyPenny's a coppery colour, that's how I named her that. LOL. she's the only one of mine I've ever gotten to name.
I call my boss Durwood, even though his name's Darryl...because Endora always called Darrin that.
Our chicks are due to arrive in a couple of weeks. As we'll only be getting 3, we decided we'd each get to name one. After thinking on it for a few days, I asked my 4 y.o. dd what she'd decided to name her chick. Her answer: "Turkey"
Clever little bugger, and good sense of humor, I think!

DH has decided on "Money Penny" (big Bond fan). Of course, if it winds up being a roo, he's settled on "Lunch."
Ok, I wanted to give my flock little old lady names, and the kids named a few, too (you pick out which ones, LOL!)

NHR girls:

Priscilla (hubby named this one)

RIR girls:
'Arold (hubby named.. we thought might
be a roo)

BR flock:
Toasty Warm
Blackeye Hotrod

My kids are too funny. We're pretty sure Blackeye Hotrod will be a roo, and Chick's sexual identity is still up in the air (looks a lot like Blackeye, but has really dark legs, and general 'hen' attitude).

Our OEGB is Daisy, named after the chicken in Daisy Comes Home, by Jan Brett (We usually give our pets literary names.)
The chicks were named by the third graders who hatched them:
Chip-RIR bantam
Neptune- Dark Brahma/RIR bantam
Lucy-sebright/RIR bantam

We're mostly planning to keep the names they came with, but if Jack turns out to be a girl (we're hoping), we'll need a new name. Dh suggested Sweetums- That's a Muppet reference: "Jack not name, Jack job!"
Ok, Here are our pullets names, Not exactly babies any more tho (abt 17 wks)

Buff Orp - Miss Butters

B.R - JoJo

2 RiR's - Thelma & Louise (Partners in crime if i ever seen any)
I don't know if I've got roosters or hens, but their names nonetheless are:

buff orpington - "Omlette"
silver lace wyandotte - "Spider"
unknown reddish/buff colored chick - "Penny"

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