We have a Major Hoolahan (She's the whitest, in my book the BLONDEST) , Dora the Explorer (She's loud, obnoxious, and and explorer) , Moosi, Fighter Jet (AKA JET) , and Miki. (Mee-kee) . THese are all Barred Rocks.
We have Lilly, Omelet and Francine, our red sex-links. Warrior Chicken, Daisy, and Rocket, our black sex-links.

The RIRs, we haven't named all of them, just Big Mama.

Our little Auracanas don't all have names. We do have Coco Chanel, Hedwig, and Fluff Butt.
well, the silkies are named as follows...

PJ (Poultry Joy)...roo
(we have 3 more unnamed so far)

Then we have the Quail Antwerps, Robert and Fran

My Mille Fleur roo is Cricket

Pocket is my buff orp roo

Goldie is a gold comet hen.

Road Runner, my SSHamburg and Old English game mix

Big Jon, Sussex Roo

Strut, other Sussex Roo

Black Beard, American Roo

Henny Penny, small bantam hen

Greta, Buff Brahma Bantam

Edna, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Hen

Lacey, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Hen

Duece, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte Roo

Topper, Golden Polish Roo

Sunshine, Americana Bantam Hen

Fynn, Phoenix Roo

Gracie, Phoenix pullet

Phoebe, Phoenix Pullet

Whistler, Gold Sebright Hen

and that ain't all my chickens! those are just the ones with names!

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