Chicken not Laying for about 3 weeks?

What does it mean by being "broody"..?
Broody is when a hen collects eggs over a few days to sit on for them to hatch.
A broody will stop laying once she has collected enough eggs (only she can decided how many is enough.)
A broody is most likely to not ever get off of the nest/eggs.
She may get off once a day to eat and use the bathroom really quick then return to sitting on the eggs.
So, she was laying in her nesting box, then we were finding eggs all over the backyard..she was nesting all over, then she just stopped..?
Maybe she has found a new hiding spot for laying eggs.
Double check every where.
Also remember that you can lock your birds up for a few days...confined to the coop/run only so you can monitor who is laying better.

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