Chicken not moving much and eyes closed a lot


Mar 15, 2016
SE Georgia
I recently bought a pair of younger Easter eggers, about 20 weeks or so. Neither would let me pick them up and were very active. A couple of days ago one of them allowed me to hold her and makes little to no effort to get away, walk or do much of anything. She just stays in the same area and is keeping her eyes closed a lot. Any ideas? Person I got her from said they were up to date on all worming-vaccinations.
Sounds like you possibly have a sick bird.....Could you take her back? Discuss more with the person you got her from....
Could be stress? Does not sound like it though....

Way too many possible causes for the pullet to be acting that way....

No, I've had her about 6 weeks. I doubt it's much stress. I did just have some new chicks hatch but she came with a sibling and they are able to free range all day. Seems sick I just don't know why/how
So have you noticed anything other then lathargy? Runny nose wheezing? How does there poop look? Any blood. If you see blood could be coccidiosis. If it seems respiratory or bacterial you should see other syptoms. For bacterial/respiratory infections we use oxytetracycline. For coccidiosis we use corid. Both can be purchased at tractor supply. For the oxytetracycline the dose is 2 tbls and 1/4 teaspoon . I'll have to double check. That's for one gallon of water mixed together. If that's they issue you'll see improvement usually within a few days. Good luck.
Thanks for he help, but she passed last night.

I am sorry for your loss.
I have a hen with respiratory symptoms. I have isolated her. Should I medicate the flock as well as her?

If it's for sure respiratory then yes I would medicate the whole flock using the oxytetracycline. You have to make up the solution everyday. Best to treat all of them to get ahead of it. Also there is a 2 week withdrawal period for eggs so you can't eat them during that time. I scramble them and feed them to the chickens for extra nutrients while they are being treated

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