Chicken Not Walking Normally - White Callus On Leg

It does look more like the result of severe scaly leg mites now that it's cleaned up.
A vet is always the best option if it's available to you. If it's not an option I would keep her in a crate so you can keep her feet clean until the raw areas are healed. You can use neosporin on them, I'd apply it daily until the raw area's heal, use it all over the feet and legs. The one toe that has turned black will likely eventually fall off. She can manage fine and will adapt to the loss of the toe, but you need to watch for and try to prevent infection. Once the raw area's are healed I would continue to treat weekly with castor oil slathered on the legs and feet until the scales come back and they are looking normal again. It will probably take a very long time, months, due to the severity of the damage, for the legs and feet to look normal again. The oil will smother any mites. Here is more info on scaly leg mites, and I personally would not use the gasoline treatment mentioned on your bird due to the rawness and damage to the skin:
Thanks for all the responses and suggestions guys

@sawilliams I wouldn't say it was growing but the part you highlighted was as thick has her leg. I believe it was a build up of gunk that just got bigger and bigger. Felt rock hard before soaking it.

@ChickNanny13 Ya I put here in a separate cat cage by herself for now with some wood shavings in there.

@coach723 I will give the castor oil suggestion a try. Is other oils like olive oil work too in killing the mites?

Update: I noticed there is another finger that's a bit black on the tip. Why are they turning black and falling off? Also I am not a expert but it seems like her nails are really long, should I cut them off?
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Olive oil, coconut oil or vaseline for leg mites. Coconut or olive mint bee better four healing right now though vaseline isn't as thin and will stay on her legs better.
What is thier coop and run like? Size setup dog chickens? Do they free range? Do you do a deep liter method or clear the poop out? Is the ground generally at or dry right now?

Sorry lots of questions

Depending on what's going on in the coop and run I suspect you need to do a thorough clean out of both and add some rocks hay and/or pine shaving everywhere to help dry things out
Any vegetable oil will work for the mites, thinner oils may need a layer of petrolium jelly or a&d ointment over them to keep them there. I use castor oil for that reason, it's very thick and stays pretty well. I would still go with neosporin on the raw areas until healed so that you don't have any infection set in, and try to keep the feet as clean as you can while those areas heal up. The build up of gunk on the legs and feet from the mites over time, as you found out, is very, very hard and can cut off circulation.
It's not uncommon for toe loss in severe cases. Time will tell with the other toe, depends on how damaged it is. Some of the nails do look a bit long and she'd probably be more comfortable with them trimmed, just be careful not to cut too short and into the quick, just trim a little at a time. With some time and care she should recover and be fine, maybe with a couple of shorter toes. Chickens lose toes to frostbite also, same thing happens and they generally get along fine.

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