Chicken not walking properly

It's morning and I checked on her. Still no good. Gave her food and water, she was happy to eat and drink but still not walking. Her crop was empty so she was not eating in the morning. I made a video, link:
She's reluctant to strech her legs. I tryed with my hands but she keeps pulling them back to her body. I'm out for a day so left her safely with food and water close to her.
She looks like she may have signs of Mareks disease, but I would treat her with vitamins for poultry that include riboflavin. Riboflavin deficiency can cause curled toe paralysis of both legs. Riboflavin is found in vitamin B complex, beef liver, and many other foods, Polyvisol baby vitamins 2-3 drops daily, Poultry Cell vitamins 1-2 ml daily, and many other vitamins, but not NutriDrench.

Mareks can cause weakness or paralysis of one or both legs, wings, or a twisted neck. There are many other possible symptoms they may or not have. Hopefully, it is not Mareks, but time will tell.
Thank you. I will put her on better diet and see what happens. I guess this is best I can do for her.
Just wanted to say thas she's doing better already. Not perfect yet, but she's getting there, at least it seems that way. Thank you all for the ideas and advices!

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