Chicken Ordinance Reviewed In The City of Midland, MI

Hi, I have just moved to this lovely town and very dismayed to learn that backyard chicken keeping is not allowed. Is anyone interested in petitioning the city to change this?

We have a mutual friend, Johanna Paas, that just contacted me this week about trying to talk with you! I am still actively working on this issue - if you go to the page 59 or so of the MRTFA thread, and the last one, you will see what i've done so 2nd letter to the city will hopefully be going out soon - I just posted it for feedback there last night...and I think I'd also like to start an online petition at to try to get the City Council to bring this to vote again...

Let me know what you guys think!!
MIDLANDERS - I need your help!!!

I put together my own packet of information to share to help gather support and signatures for my new petition to hopefully get the City Council to revisit the ordinance change here in Midland...

You can see it at

Please read, sign and SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD!!
I just did an interview with our local paper about my efforts to get the ordinance change back in front of the City Council in Midland again! Gaining momentum!
I am very interested in having the ordinance changed in favour of allowing chickens in Midland (and as well honeybees). Given the stubbornness and arrogance of the city council, however, this seems like an almost impossible task. When are the nearest council elections? Perhaps if we let them know they loose voters, they'd act more reasonably. If Traverse City or Ann Arbor residents can have chickens, no reason why Midland couldn't...
I'm gearing up for another round hoping for a chicken ordinance in Midland.... I've talked to the Planning Commission...they say I can bring the same amendment request that was voted down 3 1/2 years ago, but I have to show that I have support, and lots of it - I'll take any and all help I can get! Please spread the word through Midland - I'll be submitting the Petition for Zoning Amendment by March 20th for a public hearing on April 14th...then it has to go through the Planning Commission again and hopefully back to the City Council (the Planning Commission did recommend the amendment to the City Council, so hopefully that's not an issue this long as we have SUPPORT!) I'll need people to write and call and show up to meetings.

I've started a GoFundMe to raise the $325 it takes to submit the petition. (even though I'm asking for the identical amendment they've already done all the work on....)

Thanks for any and all help you might be able to provide :)
It is with extreme disappointment, sadness, anger and frustration that I have to share the news that my Zoning Text Amendment was returned to me today.... Attached is the reason(s) why.... I called the Planning Commission prior to my submission to ensure I was addressing what needed to happen (so why is it still incomplete)?! As for the dioxin issue... These issues are long standing, and was not brought forward as an argument against this amendment when originally addressed (and approved by the Planning Commission the first time). Clearly, what I am being told is that I will not win this argument and they will not reconsider or even put it forward again. Thank you for everyone that has supported me through these efforts the last 3 1/2 years. I have no words left...

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