Chicken Ordinance Reviewed In The City of Midland, MI

It sounds very promising for chicken keepers in Midland. Much to my dismay no one in residential zoning has been protected by the MRTFA that I know of but would love to hear about if they did.
Looked at the print edition of the MDN this morning and the second article was on the front page. Of course many of the comments to the online story show the general intelligence of people in the city.
I did read the comments. The usual ridiculous "Well if they can have chickens, then when can I get my pony?" Geez, as if it's even close to the same thing. I hope he gets the ordinance passed. It sounds like he has a lot of support.
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I was at the Planning commission meeting tonight and was one of a many who spoke on the behalf of the gent who was trying to get a pro chicken ordinance. The commission approved the petition 5-3, so the next step is the city council... should be sometime next month.


Right you are... right now I am in the process of putting together an information packet and some letters to the city council and am working to get others to do the same!

Midland City Council voted unanimously to NOT allow chickens....

Time to sell the house... if I could.


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