Chicken pecking

17 chickens

Crazy Chicken Math
Jul 11, 2016
Chattaroy Washington
So I have a few chickens who have a habit of pecking other chickens, I have tried pine tar, blue kote and now anti pecking for chickens. I was out today putting the anti pecking lotion on the chickens who needed it and along comes Silly Sally to peck on a fresh lotion chicken. I am waiting to see the reaction from her and she takes a peck and runs the other way dragging her beak in the dirt and water to get it off her face... She is throwing such a fuss and running like she is going to die! I thought to myself it really can't be that bad could it? So I tasted it! Several hours later I can still taste that anti peck in my mouth! Please all of you out there don't try that at home!!! I too wish I could drag my mouth in the dirt to get the taste out of my mouth!
I have 2 large coops and the coop yard is 1/4 acer with lots of chicken toys, it's like a park for my girls.
It is just 3 hens that are at the top of the pecking order who are not nice to others. There is 53 girls!
I agree with Bobbi-j in that finding the root cause of the issue is the most appropriate cause of action. You could try giving the 3 offenders a time-out from the flock. A couple of weeks away from the flock will affect their status, once returned. Pecking can be a learned behaviour and becomes very hard to break. Here's a very brief synopsis on this issue, but more importantly, it includes the sources consulted.

Feather pecking
I am waiting to see the reaction from her and she takes a peck and runs the other way dragging her beak in the dirt and water to get it off her face... She is throwing such a fuss and running like she is going to die! I thought to myself it really can't be that bad could it? So I tasted it! Several hours later I can still taste that anti peck in my mouth! Please all of you out there don't try that at home!!! I too wish I could drag my mouth in the dirt to get the taste out of my mouth!
I have 2 large coops and the coop yard is 1/4 acer with lots of chicken toys, it's like a park for my girls.
It is just 3 hens that are at the top of the pecking order who are not nice to others. There is 53 girls!
Feet by feet, inside and out, would be great bonus. 53 birds is a lot of birds. If it's really only the 3, time for stew IMO.
Our poor hen's got pecked bad this summer. I give them relief by putting them in our tractor. Offending roosters are going this week ( I swear - Been saying they gotta go for a while now ) Question is - wintertime will be here before you know it in NE PA. Should I consider heating the coop to compensate for thier lack of feathers. We do a good job of putting plastic sheeting aroung the coop and run to reduce draft.
Our poor hen's got pecked bad this summer. I give them relief by putting them in our tractor. Offending roosters are going this week ( I swear - Been saying they gotta go for a while now ) Question is - wintertime will be here before you know it in NE PA. Should I consider heating the coop to compensate for thier lack of feathers. We do a good job of putting plastic sheeting aroung the coop and run to reduce draft.
I would say no to the heat. They should grow their feathers back after they molt anyway, and by not adding heat they should grow back nice and thick to naturally protect them from the weather. Do you leave some space open for ventilation while reducing draft? That's important - so the moist air caused by breathing and pooping can be removed from the coop. You're more likely to see frostbitten, ill birds with too much humidity in your coop.

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