Chicken penicillin dosage


10 Years
Feb 5, 2009
I ordered some Pro-Pen-G Penicillin the other day and wanted to know what dosage I should give an 8 pound hen. The bottle says 1 mL per 100 pounds body weight--this is roughly 1/10 a millileter for an 8 pound chicken. Does this dosage sound correct?

Also, for how long should I give it to her?

Thanks for any advice you can give!
the dose is .10cc per lb
I use a 20 gauge needle. given in the breast muscle, alternating sides each time.
once a day for at LEAST 3 days. 7 days is about the limit for safely injecting.

What is wrong with her?
are you sure she needs this?
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Thank you for the dosage, I will try and do the full 4 days.

The hen in question hasn't laid for over two months, has a very red, swollen abdomen (relatively hard, not squishy), and has recently developed breathing problems and has become increasingly lethargic. After doing some reading I found that her symptoms match that of egg yolk peritonitis, and I know speckledhen has had success treating her hens with internal laying with penicillin. I hate using antibiotics, but in this case I know she needs them badly.

Thanks for the advice
You may already know this, but
be VERY carefull not to inject it in a vein. before you inject it pull back on the plugger if blood appears, take it out and try again.

Hope your little hen feels better soon
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Thanks, I hope so too!

I'll be careful. She's one of the calmer hens, so I should be able to pull the plunger back easily without her putting up a fuss.
I hope the injections went well and your hen got better. You were brave to take on giving Penicillin injections.
Those are hard. I haven't liked when I've had to give Penicillin injections to birds, but it sometimes is such a big help.

If it's useful to anyone in the future, I've put together some suggestions on giving Penicillin injections to birds at .

You can also give Penicillin (or Amoxicillin instead) via pieces of pill tablets or soluble powder from pill capsules. You can use pills that are for people, or order pills from or Give 125 mg per day for at least 3-4 days.
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I am giving one of our hens a shot tonight. She was egg bound and I think the egg broke inside he before she passed it. I wasn't home when she did, we only know she passed it because she was by herself in the cage eating the last bits of egg shell. After that she was VERY happy, jumping around, etc.

I think she has an infection now. Her color is good, she is alert and grooming herself, but doesn't show much interest in food or water. She is losing weight, too. Her poops are kind of runny and yellow. I know she is doing her best to fight it, but she may need a little boost.

The man at the feed store suggested an injection since she is not eating or drinking much. Hoping this will help her get over the infection. She really misses the other peeps.

She is a pretty little Australorp, about 8 months old.

Prayers, please!

You can also squirt a 1:4 ratio of white vinegar to water into her vent (about 5-10 cc/ml) with a syringe. That will help flush out bacteria and egg contents that may still be in there. You might also want to feel inside with a gloved finger to check for residual egg shell.
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How is your Australorp pullet? I'm very glad she passed the egg finally. It sounds like it's wise to be giving her some medicine right now. I hope she's doing well. I sent in a prayer for her.
Dear SpeckledHills,

She has been very sleepy since receiving the injections, I am hoping that is a good thing and the medicine is working. Thank you for your prayers. I am very new to this, so I am praying very hard that she gets well again. I am hoping it will warm up enough later so she can go outside and stretch. :)

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