Chicken Physical Therapy?


Oct 23, 2017
Southern Arizona
So I already have a thread on this same chicken, but I was originally looking for cures to whatever illness she had and I thought maybe starting a new thread with my new problem might help get some more people that are experienced in this particular area.

I never really figured out what she had, but she seems to have recovered, as she is no longer showing any of her symptoms (e.g. breathing through mouth, undigested food in droppings, loss in appetite, etc.). However, while she was sick she lost her sense of balance and willingness to stand. She is still having trouble with both of these issues, although she has gained strength. She also still doesn't want to extend her neck out very far at all.

What I'm wondering is if there are some sort of physical therapy things I can do for her so that she can regain her balance? It seems like she doesn't want to walk because she knows that she'll fall. If I stand her up and then lightly touch her on both sides as a sort of balance support, she will reluctantly keep standing. I've been doing this for a minute or two at a time to help her build up her strength in her legs. I've also found that sometimes if I hold her up and then lift one side she will move that side's foot, almost like teaching a baby to walk.

Is there anything else I can do to help her re-learn her balance? I've checked for bumble foot, she doesn't seem to have it. She is currently separated from the flock and is inside the house, so that no one will pick on her.

Here is the original thread just in case:

I have this on the other thread, but here's a video of me trying to stand her up when she was still pretty sick:

Thank you!
Looks like either Mareks or botulism. If Mareks it will continue worsen. You can continue to try to work with getting it to stand and perhaps try a sling to get it to stretch out its legs.
Hey there! I know this is an older post but wondering if you ever found a solution. I have a chicken with exactly the same symptoms and want to try physical therapy. My vet said it isnt Maercks because she would have worsened and died. But she also won't walk or stand but is doing better.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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