Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Don't they?

Secretly, I don't think adult guineas are all that ugly, you learn to love them.
Miss Fluffy, I'm so sorry about Romeo

The babies are adorable.....

So, I got 5 more "rescue" chickens. 2 barred rock, 2 white (not sure yet what they are, they have spots on their back) and a white Silkie. While I have teased Dave about wanting cute chickens, I think I'd rather look at them from a far....

Talking about maybe raising Appenzeller's. My goodness, the ones we have are the cleanest chickens ever. Seriously, no poop on the ramp on their coop and even their boxes are fairly clean. Not sure if we're just lucky or

So, Dave puts the small chicken coop on craigslist, sells it RIGHT away and what does he get? An email from someone asking us if we'd take her 2 chicks her friend bought her. She lives in an apartment in of course Dave says sure, what's 2 more

What the heck, chickens in an apartment building in Chicago?????????????

Guess the word is out that we do very well in chicken math....Oh, and the Silkie? Dave emailed the lady who bought the chicken coop as she only wants 2 chickens and doesn't care about eggs. She had Serama's ( a hen and rooster) but needed to rehome the roo as he was too loud and she is in a subdivision. This way her little hen would have a friend and we could move the Silkie out....Here is hoping...
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :


I am putting 12 turken eggs in lockdown tomorrow night!!! Just what I need, right? Have to get more girls this time!! I wanna see some keet pictures when they hatch!

I have a few horrid pictures I took of the two Pieds I hatched out last week. I cannot take anymore b/c they went to live with another BYC'er ( 8ROYALS). Finally, my debt is payed off. 8ROYALS gave me 3 roosters the beginning of this year and in return I was supposed to hatch him out some guinea keets. I sent him 6, but the littlest one must have gotten layed on during the drip.
But, he still has 5 healthy keets, 3 Pearl and 2 Pied.

I attached a few pics of the Pied keets...I put 10 guin-eggs into lockdown this morning and when I took the carton out of the sportsman and put it in the HB I heard a loud chirp from one of the eggs! I nearly dropped the carton!
I promise to take some pictures of the upcoming hatch.
I quite frankly don't know what'll do with them? I only wanted to keep one keet to see if I could tame it down and let it be the "Garden Guinea"...but we'll see! lol I may have to put an ad on CL, because I've been having egg-cellent hatch rates with my guinea eggs so I know a bunch will hatch and personally I didn't really want 20 guineas running around screaming their heads off.

Wow they are cute as chicks. I don't mind them as adults, they just have tiny eggs, lol.
Having a new barn/storage shed build, I'm so glad I paid someone to do it. Maybe I'm a traditionalist but I don't like metal buildings. The sun glares off them and they are a bit of an eye sore. Yet I agree they are easier to maintain. Expanding my cow herd so the old barn will become mostly storage, I guess.
I'm Carol, and I've been a chicken owner for exactly one week today. As I was reading through some of the BYC posts, I kept seeing the phrase "chicken math" and I wondered what it meant. I still haven't seen an official definition, but I'm guessing that it's what I'm doing.

First, my husband and I decided we'd get 6 chickens. We got 4-month old pullets because we didn't want to wait a long time before getting eggs. We took our two granddaughters with us to pick up the chickens from the farm - and they saw the "CUTEST" black and white speckled bird and wanted it so badly. So we got Oreo (an Ancona) in addition to the 6 we'd already selected. We figured the coop was big enough for 6 - so 7 would be fine, too. We've set up chairs and a bench beside the coop and each day we go out there and just watch them. I never realized how fascinating they are - watching them establish their pecking order, seeing various behaviors. The first day when it started getting dark, we watched as they all lined up and marched up the ladder into the coop - with a few coming back down the ladder and then back up until they were all settled in for the night. Instinct - amazing.

Now I find myself looking at the websites of various hatcheries. With the 7 pullets I already have, I'll have eggs soon. However, it would be fun to hatch some eggs - it would be exciting to order some day-old chicks. And someday it would be great to get a rooster and breed my own chickens. So I fill up my virtual shopping cart with chicks and eggs, and I plan new coops to hold them. Then I delete the cart since we have no room for more chicks right now. Seriously, with 7 hens, I will already have more eggs than we, our kids and their families will eat. What would I do with so many more? But there are so many gorgeous breeds out there that I want to get. I can pretty much guarantee that this time next year I'll have more than the 7 chickens we started with.

So "chicken math" - continuing to get more chickens than you need - "just because." If 6 are perfect, then 7 is good - and 25, 50 or more are even better. It's just another way to describe "chicken addiction." Am I right? LOL!
I have a few horrid pictures I took of the two Pieds I hatched out last week. I cannot take anymore b/c they went to live with another BYC'er ( 8ROYALS). Finally, my debt is payed off. 8ROYALS gave me 3 roosters the beginning of this year and in return I was supposed to hatch him out some guinea keets. I sent him 6, but the littlest one must have gotten layed on during the drip.
But, he still has 5 healthy keets, 3 Pearl and 2 Pied.

I attached a few pics of the Pied keets...I put 10 guin-eggs into lockdown this morning and when I took the carton out of the sportsman and put it in the HB I heard a loud chirp from one of the eggs! I nearly dropped the carton!
I promise to take some pictures of the upcoming hatch.
I quite frankly don't know what'll do with them? I only wanted to keep one keet to see if I could tame it down and let it be the "Garden Guinea"...but we'll see! lol I may have to put an ad on CL, because I've been having egg-cellent hatch rates with my guinea eggs so I know a bunch will hatch and personally I didn't really want 20 guineas running around screaming their heads off.

Wow they are cute as chicks. I don't mind them as adults, they just have tiny eggs, lol.

Actually, their eggs are bigger than bantam eggs and their yolks are the same size as my standard chickens. Not to mention they lay through the extreme TX heat, where as my other chickens stop. Their eggs are also more orangish in color. They hussel around alot more than my fat lazy hens do.
Close. There actually IS some math involved.

I started with the thought that 4would be a good start, or maybe 6. Bought 8. One died, I replaced with 2 because you cannot buy just one. My dog killed one; I was devastated and bought 3 more. One turned into a rooster, so I bought two more chicks. Roosters hardly count. Ove a period of months, my dog killed 2 more due to my inattention. So I bought some more chicks....

Then a pullet went broody, sat on 5 eggs, hatched one chick. That was so wonderful I bought an incubator and bought some hatching eggs, incubated them and hatched 6 chicks. Then I did it again. Then I bought more incubators.....

And a couple more hens went broody......

Chicken math! Chicks don't really count, roosters don't count, and, obviously you cannot count chickens before they hatch.... And bantams, well, they're small, the shouldn't count for a full chicken point, right?!?
Close. There actually IS some math involved.

I started with the thought that 4would be a good start, or maybe 6. Bought 8. One died, I replaced with 2 because you cannot buy just one. My dog killed one; I was devastated and bought 3 more. One turned into a rooster, so I bought two more chicks. Roosters hardly count. Ove a period of months, my dog killed 2 more due to my inattention. So I bought some more chicks....

Then a pullet went broody, sat on 5 eggs, hatched one chick. That was so wonderful I bought an incubator and bought some hatching eggs, incubated them and hatched 6 chicks. Then I did it again. Then I bought more incubators.....

And a couple more hens went broody......

Chicken math! Chicks don't really count, roosters don't count, and, obviously you cannot count chickens before they hatch.... And bantams, well, they're small, the shouldn't count for a full chicken point, right?!?

Way to go Linda!!

Welcome CarolJ!

Nothing excited happening at Fluffy Feather Farm today...
Just enjoying browsing BYC.
Search "Chicken Math" here on BYC. There are a couple of threads regarding defining it....all are hysterical.

Like you I wanted 6 chickens. But the breeder didn't have good hatches, so I had to wait and the coop was built. Can't have an empty coop just laying around the property can you? SO I bought 4 D'uccles that someone needed to rehome. And someone local took pity on me and hatched 4 mutts for me so my coop wasn't empty. So I am up to 8 and I don't have any of the breeds I wanted. THEN I wanted to hatch eggs naturally, so I obtained 5 silkies. Up to 13 and I still have an order with the breeder for the original 6 I wanted. She can't get one of the breeds to hatch for love nor money, so she buys some chicks from another breeder and my order is ready...BUT one breed is too young to determine gender so I take 4 of those, to ensure I have 2 hens, plus the original order. I wind up with 21 birds. But only 4 are laying. So chicken math says I have 4 Chickens. I think it's related to the "new math" they are teaching in schools these days.

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