Chicken (Poultry) Addiction Anonymous *Chat Thread*

Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

I've cut down almost 70 birds, or more and I still have over 100....

Its sad for me, lol, but after reading this I was shocked and then immediately realized I had more and felt man I should cull the flock. For now I'll blame it on the wife, especially since she doesn't read this.

On a funny side note, the older gentlemen came back this afternoon,
. I gave him a very nice Buff Brahma Bantam Rooster and he bought a nice Columbian Wyandotte and ten hens, which brought down my Columbian group down to just four hens and one Rooster, which will be fine for me. Luckily I don't incubate as much as you Fluff, lol, or I would be over run by chickens.

Yes, I prefer Single Comb chickens especially in a Rooster but I also like all the different colors so I deal with it, lol.

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Welcome new person, I didn't remember your name but know you have a RIR on picture, lol.​
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I'll probably get rid of some chickens in a month or two. I just feel weird selling pullets/hens, but I have 20+ dozen eggs in the fridge so something must be done.
Plus the hens I'd want to get rid of would be the ones no one would want, like my oddly obese brahma (how the heck did she get so fat?!?!?!) and my biatchy hatchery SLW with a twisted toe and rooster back.
So I have a funny story to share. My 2 real free range girls are quite the hoot and live up to the names I gave them, Sassypants (the explorer) and Tattletale (don't think I need to explain that one). Dave was working on a trailer and was taking pics to share on his machinist board when over walks Sassypants (who prefers him) and was giving him the "eye" of approval. Our of no where she started tugging on his pant leg so he bent down to give her a scrunch and she squatted, shook her little butt got up and moved and there sat an egg...He likes to tell people he got a gold egg for his work

I have to say these 2 are the most fun.

and to chicken math of which I should get a straight A...we won't talk about mine.

Mrs Fluffy, they are the dark red/brown with white on them. Not sure of what the actual color is called. The 2 above are the same. I just love them but then I haven't found any I don't like except maybe the one little white rooster we aquired.....

not sure of the breed...anyone...anyone......
Linda, this is exactly why I started this thread!!! I love your story and the updates you give. Who else can understand/relate better than us? That's right...nobody!
that is NOT possible with you and your cabinet bator Muggs! Are you bringing some to chickenstock?? what kinds are you listing? Did I miss that somewhere??

I'm only bringing eggs (whatever is available for K's auction) and the chickens for Brindle...that's it! I think.
Besides FOOD of course! I can't wait for next weekend! It's going to be fun!
that is NOT possible with you and your cabinet bator Muggs! Are you bringing some to chickenstock?? what kinds are you listing? Did I miss that somewhere??

I'm only bringing eggs (whatever is available for K's auction) and the chickens for Brindle...that's it! I think.
Besides FOOD of course! I can't wait for next weekend! It's going to be fun!

I was wondering what happened to you.
Didn't think it would take this long but I FINALLY caught "Coward or Stupid" my lone RIR old rooster. He as some of you know has been the only chicken on my place not to adhere to the rule of nighting in a coop. How he has survived predators and winter all these years I will never know but today I did caught the old timer and put him with the fine hens I bought for him a month ago. I think he's happy and probably tired,

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